hair loss treatment

Hair Loss Treatment: Which Option is Best For Me?

There are several reasons why your hair might be falling out. It could be due to genetic heredity or nutritional deficiency. It could be caused by feelings of stress or you could have an underlying medical condition such as thyroid issues. Whatever it may be, you find yourself in need of a solution but you…...
back pain relief

Back Pain Relief: 3 Ways to Soothe Your Symptoms

Back pain can sometimes impede routine activities that most other people take for granted. Something as simple as getting out of bed in the morning or bending down to pick up an object can be excruciating. If this has been the case for you, you’re not alone. Studies suggest that back pain is the single…...
signs of diabetes

ATTENTION: Keep An Eye On These 10 Signs Of Diabetes

It is estimated that 9.4% of the total American population suffers from diabetes with 7.2 million individuals not knowing they have the disease. Finding out that you have diabetes can feel terrifying, but the sooner you get diagnosed and receive treatment, the better your chances of recovery will be. If, however, you’re not sure that…...
lower back pain relief

Lower Back Pain Relief: 3 Ways to Make The Pain Go Away

As you age, your lower back joints will change. Your spinal discs will become fragmented or worn out over time. In some cases, a herniated disc is to be blamed for all the pain you’re experiencing. But more often than not, it’s a sprain caused by an accident or even excessive lifting. Research shows that…...
pneumonia symptoms

Pneumonia Symptoms or COVID-19? Learn The Differences

Nearly 80% of coronavirus cases either have no symptoms or mild symptoms similar to the seasonal flu. However, for more severe cases where the patient needs to be hospitalized, pneumonia is one of the complications. Pneumonia symptoms include fever, cough, chest pain, fatigue, and shortness of breath. Since many of these symptoms are common in…...

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