free 24/7 Medical and Mental Healthcare
Scroll down for frequently asked questions
frequently asked questions
What is Wolverine Telehealth program?
How does a visit work?
Click “see a doctor or provider now” above and create an account. Once you have sign up for the program, simply login and to see a doctor or mental health specialist. You will get to select your reason for the visit and with just a few clicks you are live with a provider or mental health specialist. You will get to select between a video or phone visit as well.
How do I login?
What is “Talk 24/7”?
Do I have to pay any money during the visit?
What are some of the medical conditions that I can be seen for?
Ear infections, Strep throat, Cough, Stye, Mild Asthma, medication refills, dental pain, dental infection, sinus infection, bronchitis, urinary tract infection, yeast infections, pink eye, rash, skin conditions, acne, nausea and vomiting, Ear pain, ear infection, allergies, general pain, cold sores, allergic reactions, hives, poison ivy and prescription refills
Can I be seen if I think I have COVID 19?
What are some of the mental health conditions that students can be seen for?
Anxiety, depression, stress management, grief and loss, coping with illness, relationship conflicts, family stress, PTSD and panic disorder.
What are the hours for the service?
Do you offer scheduled counseling?
What do I do if I have difficulties with logging in or using the system?
Call the customer service number, available 24 hours a day: 909-600-9105
Password can be reset by clicking “forgot password”.